Students may not enroll in more than one 101 language course per semester. Students who enroll in elementary language classes are expected to continue with the intermediate level classes (201 and 202) where possible. Students who do not do so may be barred from enrolling in other 101 language classes.
These priorities are followed for classes offered by the department of Languages, Linguistics, and Literatures. Classes cross-listed with WLL or LING but taught by faculty from other departments may have other priority policies. Some classes from within the department of Languages, Linguistics, and Literatures may also have distinct priorities depending on need.
101 Language Classes: The department prioritizes (a) the enrollment of students who can continue their study of the language through the intermediate and advanced level together with (b) WLLC majors for whom the classes satisfy major elective requirements. Consequently, first priority for 101 classes is given to first year undeclared SSH students and to 2nd year WLLC majors. Second priority is given to third year WLLC majors. Third priority is given to second and third year SSH students. Fourth year students are not included in the list of priorities as they cannot progress to intermediate level classes.
102, 201, 202, and Advanced Language Classes: As these classes require 101 classes as a prerequisite, first priority is extended to all SSH students.
100 Level LING and WLL Classes (WLL 110 and LING 131): As these classes are required to declare the WLLC major, first priority is given to (a) first year undeclared SSH; (b) Undeclared SSH students; (c) second year year WLLC majors. Second Priority is given to WLLC majors. Third priority registration is open to all SSH, SoM, SEDS, and SMG students.
200 Level LING and WLL Classes: As these classes are typically taken prior to enrollment in advanced WLL and LING classes, first priority is given to second year WLLC majors. Second priority is given to all WLLC majors. Third priority registration is open to all SSH, SoM, SEDS, and SMG students.
WLL 274/HST 274 Texts and Contexts: As this course is required of all WLLC and History majors, first priority and second priority is given to WLLC and History majors. Third priority registration is open to all SSH students
300 Level LING and WLL Classes: First priority registration is given to WLLC majors. Second priority is given to SSH students. Third priority registration is open to all SEDS, SMG, and SoM students.
400 Level LING and WLL Classes: First priority registration is given to WLLC majors. Second priority is given to SSH students. Third priority registration is open to all SEDS, SMG, and SoM students.
WLL 498-499 Capstone I and II: Registration in the capstone is limited to those students who have the appropriate coursework preparation for their proposed capstone topic. Consequently, registration is by instructor consent only.