Department of Biology
M. Sc in Life Sciences
The program aligns with the Modernization 3.0 strategy to train a professional, competitive workforce able to succeed nationally and internationally and to promote research and development in Kazakhstan. Unique in Kazakhstan because of its interdisciplinary focus and integrated research, teaching and innovation approach.
The program complies with Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area (Bologna Working Group, 2005)
2 years, Cycle 2, Level 7, 120 ECTS

The curriculum of the program consists of three different types of courses:
  • Core pillar courses (18+ ECTS),
  • Elective pillar courses (24 ECTS), and
  • Research pillar courses (Thesis Research and Thesis Dissertation; 180 ECTS).
Program Structure and Academic Content
Program Completion Requirements
To progress towards degree-granting, students have to:

  1. Pass each course with at least a B-,
  2. Complete the course-work requirements (90 ECTS), including retaking any failed discipline core courses in three semesters,
  3. Submit a research proposal, present it orally, and have it approved before the end of the third semester in the program, and
  4. Complete and submit the research thesis (30 ECTS) to the thesis committee and defend the thesis before the end of the fourth semester.
Extension of the coursework period beyond three semesters and extension of the enrollment period beyond four semesters shall require approval from the Department, SSH, and NU's graduate committee.
Presentation of the program
Program Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the program, graduates will be able to:

1. identify, formulate, and solve broadly scientific problems by applying scientific knowledge in life sciences,
2. formulate or design a in relation to life sciences a procedure, experimental plan, or a workflow to meet desired needs,
3. conduct in the areas of life sciences experiments or test hypotheses, analyze and interpret data and use scientific judgment to draw conclusions,
4. communicate effectively with a range of audiences,
5. understand ethical and professional responsibilities and the impact of scientific and technological solutions in life sciences in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts,
6. function effectively on teams that establish goals, plan tasks, meet deadlines, and analyze risk and uncertainty.